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Lean Together 2021: Automatically generalising theorems using typeclasses in Lean
FMM2021: Automatically Generalizing Theorems Using Typeclasses - Alexander Best
Lean Together 2021: Model Theory in Lean
Lean Together 2021: Formalizing Hall’s Marriage Theorem
How to prove this obvious theorem in type theory (LEAN prover)? (2 Solutions!!)
Lean Together 2021: Definitions: are some more equal than others?
Lean Together 2021: Panel on teaching with proof assistants
Lean Together 2021: Axiomatic Geometry in Lean
Lean Together 2021: Baby steps toward formalizing results in anabelian geometry
FMM2021: Formalizing Fibonacci Squares - Harun Khan
Lean Together 2021: Metaprogramming in Lean 4
FMM2021: Geometry in Lean, a report for mathematicians - Nicolò Cavalleri w/ Anthony Bordg